Our factory in Kastoria

A few words about our factory in Kastoria

In Argos Orestiko, only 12 km away from the magnificent city of Western Macedonia, Kastoria, our dairy has been located for over five decades. Inspiration, passion, love for tradition, respect for the consumer. These are some of the elements that, in combination with the unique biodiversity of the region, are enough to provide products of excellent quality to every demanding and informed consumer who respects his health.


Our production cycle follows "mother nature", so the percentage of milk we use in sheep and goat milk depends strictly on the season. The sheep and goats are fed exclusively with the flora that is present in season, and this is the main reason for the unique taste of the milk. But we, at Eurofood QUALITY S.A., are proud of an additional reason. We embrace initiative and production activity at the local level and, by extension, we promote the national economy.


The flora of the area is suitable for the production of feta and cephalograviera, and for this reason the term PDO is used.